Restyle Your Style

Restyle Your Style

Loyalty program

Our Restyle Rewards are getting a reboot and aren’t available.

Way more than a traditional loyalty program, Restyle is your ticket to expand and polish your already leveled-up wardrobe!

— It’s time to get noticed for the hard work you put forth on our journey together—without spending more money, time, and energy.

Restyle rewards

For return clients

Because we’ve worked together before, we already know you’re amazing and can’t wait to give you extra care! To show our gratitude, we’d like to share with you:

Thank you, again

Welcome back

Whether you need a new seasonal wardrobe, help sifting through too many shopping trips, or your cousin’s brother-in-law’s daughter is getting married, We want to work with you again!

— Even is your style preferences have changed, there’s no shame in seeking expert guidance to get back on track.

Restyle questions

What is Restyle?

Restyle is a loyalty program designed to give more value to our repeat clients without the burden of reward tiers and point tracking.

Our rewards are rolled directly into the styling services you are already using. This allows us more opportunities to hone your style and satisfy your wardrobe needs!

Who is eligible to receive loyalty rewards?

Eligible participants must be repeat clients of any of our 1-to-1 personal styling services with an open account and no past-due debt.

How do I claim loyalty rewards?

Loyalty rewards are claimed after successfully completing the client sign-on process.

Client sign-on process

  1. Request styling services.
  2. Accept styling terms.
  3. Receive welcome email.
How do I redeem loyalty rewards?

Your loyalty rewards will be redeemed during the term outlined by your styling service.

Can I opt-out of loyalty rewards?

Yes, just kindly request redemption emails no longer be sent.

Check the Reward Terms for full details