This is an archived version of our Accessibility Statement. Visit the current version or the changelog for all past versions.

Accessibility Statement (2023-05-14)

Effective Date: May 14, 2023

Table of Contents

1. Accessibility Introduction

The Accessibility Statement is intended to inform our users about our efforts to improve our “Digital Accessibility” (as defined below), and to provide guidance on how to use our website and digital content in the most accessible way.

We strive to inspire confidence, competence, and authenticity through fashion. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their accessibility needs, can enjoy this empowering experience.

We believe that clothing is a powerful way to express yourself, and we want you to feel welcome and comfortable as you explore our content, services, and products. That’s why we are dedicated to providing equitable access to our digital content for our users.

1.1 What Is Accessibility?

Accessibility refers to designing information, activities, and environments that are easily accessible and usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities or limitations. It incorporates physical and digital spaces and encompasses not only permanent disabilities but also temporary and situational impairments.

Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility refers to accessibility related to digital content, such as websites, applications, and documents. This encompasses considerations for visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments.

1.2 Why Does Accessibility Matter?

A more accessible world benefits both individuals with and without disabilities. By prioritizing accessibility, we can promote diversity and create a more inclusive and equitable world.

[card_group group=”accessibility” grid=3]

2. Accessibility Measures

We endeavor to follow WebAIM’s Principles of Accessible Design. These are internationally agreed-upon standards that cover a wide range of recommendations and best practices for making content useable. As we add new pages and functionality to our website, all designs, code, and content entry practices are checked against these standards.

Website accessibility is an ongoing process. We continually test content and features for WCAG 2.1 Level A compliance and remediate any issues to ensure we meet or exceed the standards.

Some ways we try to improve accessibility on our site include:

  • Allowing users to adjust font sizes;
  • Using ARIA roles where appropriate;
  • Maintaining acceptable contrast ratios;
  • Describing images with text equivalents;
  • Providing skip links at the top of the page; and
  • Providing touch and keyboard-accessible navigation.

Testing of our website is performed by our team member, Sam, using industry-standard tools such as WAVE, color contrast analyzers, keyboard-only navigation techniques, and Flesch-Kincaid readability tests.

3. Conformance Status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A (lowest), Level AA (mid-range), and Level AAA (highest).

Vostra Moda is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 Level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.

4. Known Issues

This is part of our broader effort to make everyone’s experience a welcoming and enjoyable one. Please note that while we make every effort to provide information accessible for all users, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of third-party websites and plugins to which we may link or use.

In our efforts to bring our website up to standard, we are targeting the following areas:

Our forms

  • Radio and checkboxes may not be enclosed properly in field sets. This means that some of our options may not appear grouped together to screen reader users.
  • Form labels may be orphaned or completely missing. This means that the function or purpose of that section may not be presented to screen reader users.

Our stream

  • Link Support: We occasionally post URLs that are not clickable links on pages in connection to our Stream page. This means that users can not navigate or go to linked pages easily.

Note: The developer has included the feature labeled “Link Support” in the software’s roadmap as a high-priority item.

5. Send Feedback

We welcome feedback on how we can improve our accessibility measures, and we are committed to continually improving our accessibility to ensure that everyone can access our content and services.

  • Please contact us or email us at hellobri [at] with your comments.

6. Statement Changes

  •  May 14, 2023
    • edit Section 1: Accessibility Introduction, to include the purpose of our Accessibility Statement.
    • Add Section 1.1: What is Accessibility?, to include definitions of “Accessibility” and “Digital Accessibility”.
    • Add Section 1.2: Why Does Accessibility Matter?, to include DEI as part of our efforts.
    • Add Known issue to Section 4: Known Issues regarding site forms that may not render visual and structural meaning to screen reader users.
  • March 10, 2022
    • Add Section numbering.
    • Add Section 4: Known Issues.
    • Add Known issue to Section 4: Known Issues regarding URLs that are not converted to clickable links on our Stream page.
    • Add Section 6: Statement Changes.
    • fix Typographical and grammatical errors, and clarified existing text.
  • April 22, 2021
    • Initial release