Inside the Closet

Bi-monthly newsletter

Upgrade your closet with a catalog of fresh and trendy looks you can shop with one click! Subscribe to Inside The Closet for new outfits every month that will keep your closet and style happy.

โ€” We also feature interviews with industry influencers, company announcements, promotions, and a healthy dose of style. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Shopping upgrades

Email subscriber exclusive #1

Check out our subscriber exclusive shoppable catalog!๐Ÿ‘‡

Newsletter subscriber digital closet catalog example

Ever-expanding catalog of shoppable looks

Vacation moda

Email subscriber exclusive #2

Weekend Wardrobe Starter
Digital Download

Imagine your dream weekend. You’re on the beach, at the lake, camping, hiking, or dining in an exclusive restaurant.

The weather is great, the company is great, and you’re having the time of your life! Why not extend your escape and turn a weekend into a week-long getaway at a moment’s notice?

Subscribe for access to our shoppable catalog and wardrobe starter! ๐Ÿ‘‡